19 February 2019 | |
You can download all the presentations here | |
Opening Session | |
09.30 | Markus Söder (Minister of Bavaria) |
Hansjürg Dittus (Executive Board DLR) | |
Günther Hasinger (Director of D/SCI ESA) | |
Andrea Patrono (Head of Capability Development SatCen) | |
Pierre Soille (Text and Data Mining Unit JRC) | |
11:30 - 13:10 Session 1 - Data analytics and AI | |
Keynote Speaker: Xiaoxiang Zhu, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Earth Observation | |
Anastasia Moumtzidou, Marios Bakratsas, Stelios Andreadis, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis and Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Road passability estimation using Deep Neural Networks and satellite image patches | |
Clément Dechesne, Sébastien Lefèvre, Rodolphe Vadaine, Guillaume Hajduch and Ronan Fablet, Multi-task deep learning from Sentinel-1 SAR: ship detection, classification and length estimation | |
Maurice Poncet, Antoine Basset, Samuel Farrens, Alexandre Bruckert, Morgan Gray, Didier Vibert, Alain Schmitt, Sara Jamal, Vincent Le Brun, Olivier Le Fèvre and Christian Surace, Euclid: AI in the Dark Space | |
Gencer Sumbul, Begüm Demir, Marcela Charfuelan and Volker Markl, A new large-scale Sentinel-2 benchmark archive and a three-branch CNN for classification of Sentinel-2 images | |
Mihai Datcu, Octavian Dumitru, Gottfried Schwarz, Fabien Castel and Jose Lorenzo, Data Science workflows for the CANDELA project | |
14:20 - 16:00 Session 2 - Data discovery and access | |
Keynote Speaker: Volker Markl, Mosaics in Big Data: Stratosphere, Apache Flink, and Beyond | |
Sirko Schindler, Marcus Paradies and Andre Twele, Here is my Query, where are my Results? A Search Log Analysis of The EOWEB Geoportal | |
Gaetano Pace, Michael Schick, Andrea Colapicchioni, Antonio Cuomo and Uwe Voges, EO on-line data access in the Big data era | |
Razvan Cosac, Sergio Folco, Rosemarie Leone, Mirko Albani, Iolanda Maggio and Emilia Di Bernardo, ESA Space data and associated information long-term preservation, discovery and access | |
16:30 - 18:10 Session 3 - Interactive processing and visualisation | |
Keynote Speaker: Tomas Huang, Overview of JPL data science for Earth science | |
Markus Neteler, Sören Gebbert, Carmen Tawalika, Anika Bettge, Hajar Benelcadi, Fabian Löw, Till Adams and Hinrich Paulsen, Actinia: cloud based geoprocessing | |
Davide De Marchi and Pierre Soille, Advances in interactive processing and visualisation with Jupyter on the JRC Big Data platform (JEODPP) | |
Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps, Ryan Abernathey, Joseph Hamman and Aurélien Ponte, The Pangeo Big Data Ecosystem and its use at CNES |
20 February 2019 | |
08:40 - 10:20 Session 4 - New Challenges for Big Data | |
Keynote Speaker: Harald Hauschildt, European Data Relay System Achievements and Capabilities | |
Ingo Simonis, Quoting and Billing: Commercialization of Big Data Analytics | |
Ingo Baumann and Gerhard Deiters, New legal challenges for Earth Observation data and services? | |
Jean-Louis Weber, Towards ecological stewardship based on spatially explicit ecosystem accounts | |
10:50 - 12:30 Session 5 - Analysis Ready Data | |
10.50 | Dirk Tiede, Martin Sudmanns, Hannah Augustin, Stefan Lang and Andrea Baraldi, Sentinel-2 Semantic Data & Information Cube Austria |
Peter Baumann, From Analysis-Ready Data to Analysis-Ready Services: Challenges and Helpers for EO Service Providers | |
Simon Oliver, Lan-Wei Wang, Medhavy Thankappan, Tina Yang, Fuqin Li and Joshua Sixsmith, Datacubes as a tool for Analysis Ready Data inter-comparison | |
Peter Kettig and Joelle Donadieu, Developing image processing chains for the THEIA land data centre to provide near realtime multi-satellite image products | |
Guido Lemoine, Wim Devos, Pavel Milenov and Raphael d'Andrimont, Machine Learning for crop type identification using country-wide, consistent Sentinel-1 time series | |
14:00 - 15:40 Session 6 - Application and Services | |
Konstantina Bereta, Herve Caumont, Ulrike Daniels, Erwin Goor, Manolis Koubarakis, Despina-Athanasia Pantazi, George Stamoulis, Sam Ubels, Valentijn Venus and Firman Wahyudi, From Big Copernicus Data to Big Information and Big Knowledge: the Copernicus App Lab project | |
Christina Corban, Panagiotis Politis, Pieter Kempeneers, Martino Pesaresi, Dario Rodriguez, Vasileios Syrris and Pierre Soille, Automatic image data analytics from a global Sentinel-2 composite for the study of human settlements | |
Angelo Fabio Mulone, Marta Casti, Roberto Susino, Rosario Messineo, Ester Antonucci, Gabriele Chiesura, Daniele Telloni, Ruben De March, Enrico Magli, Alessandro Bemporad, Gianalfredo, Near-real time data management and processing system to develop and validate space weather services | |
Ivana Zinno, Manuela Bonano, Francesco Casu, Claudio De Luca, Michele Manunta, Mariarosaria Manzo, Giovanni Onorato and Riccardo Lanari, Mapping the surface deformation at national scale through the AWS cloud implementation of the S1 P-SBAS processing chain | |
Sergio Albani, Paula Saameño, Michele Lazzarini, Anca Popescu and Adrian Luna, Facing the Geospatial Intelligence challenges in the Big EO Data scenario |
21 February 2019 | |
08:40 - 10:20 Session 7 - The Time Dimension | |
Keynote Speaker: Gustau Camps-Valls, Machine learning in Earth Observation data analysis | |
Allan A. Nielsen, Morton J. Canty, Henning Skriver and Knut Conradsen, Cloud based spatio-temporal analysis of change in sequences of Sentinel images | |
Philipp Hochreuther, Nathalie Reimann and Matthias Braun, Local and automated processing of Sentinel-2 time series: adressing the bottlenecks | |
Elise Koeniguer, Jean-Marie Nicolas and Fabrice Janez, Worldwide multitemporal change detection using Sentinel-1 images | |
10:50 - 12:30 Session 8 - Data Processing and Analysis | |
Celine L'Helguen, Eric Julien and Denis Jouglet, MicroCarb CNES microsatellite mission to characterize CO2 surface fluxes: sizing of the misison centre | |
Romulo Goncalves, Viktor Bakayov, Raul Zurita-Milla and Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier, Phenology at continental scale: one size does not fit all | |
Marcus Sindram, Christoph Rieke, Carolin Sommer, Martin Ickerott, Cornelia Storch, Benjamin Mack and Gernot Ramminger, Production of Copernicus High Resolution Layers 2018 – A Cloud Native Land Cover Mapping Environment on MUNDI for Large Scale | |
Anca Popescu, Adrian Luna, Sergio Albani, Vasileios Kalogirou and Jean-Philippe Robin, Cloud computing case studies and applications for the Space and security domain | |
Erwann Poupart, Denis Caromel, Paraita Wohler and Philippe Pham Minh, Cloud bursting experiment at CNES | |
14:00 - 15:40 Session 9 - Data and Information Systems | |
Christophe Arviset, Vicente Navarro, Ruben Alvarez, Bruno Altieri, Deborah Baines, Carlos Gabriel, Rocio Guerra, Aitor Ibarra, Marcos Lopez Caniego, Anthony Marston, Bruno Merin and Fernando Perez, Use cases for the ESAC Science Exploitation and Preservation Platform | |
Victoria Bennett, Philip Kershaw, Richard Smith and Bryan Lawrence, JASMIN: Managing variety in a climate data community platform | |
Bruno Smets, Marcel Buchhorn and Dirk Daems, Copernicus Global Land mapping from private to public cloud | |
Rosemarie Leone, Federica Foglini, Iolanda Maggio, Mirko Albani and Francesco De Leo, EVER-EST: the platform allowing scientists to cross-fertilize and cross-validate data | |
Christoph Reck, Tobias Storch, Stefanie Holzwarth and Michael Schmidt, Online Data Access and Big Data Processing in the German Copernicus Data and Exploitation Environment (CODE-DE) |